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Photography at Mayoral Events

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Photography at Mayoral Events Link to this post

Just wondering what protocols you might have for photography at Mayoral Events. For example, most of the local authority general policies I've been looking at in respect of photography refer to obtaining permission in writing for taking and use of photographs. Of course many Mayoral events involve children and although always accompanied children may attend with a group leader or similar. Was hoping not to end up in an overly bureaucratic situation. Many thanks for any assistance you might be able to offer.

Re: Photography at Mayoral Events Link to this post

For events that I have recently undertaken (Remembrance / Mayors Carol Service), I have clearly placed notices at all public entrances:
Photography will be taken at this event
If you do not want a close up image of you to be used in any coverage of the event by XXXXXXX please make the official photographer aware
or email: XXXXXXXXXX
That said, for groups and organisations that were invited, both a photography consent and safeguarding form was completed by each.
Hope this helps?